It just didn't come across as convincing or "natural" in this episode. I'm pretty sure something similar happened in the games/novels, as Triss is the only other woman in Kaer Morhen. I don't know if it's because of Anna Shaffer's acting or what it is, but Triss putting Lambert and Coen in their place for having "a bit of fun" with Cirilla wasn't convincing. I'm interested to see where everything is heading. The show feels like it's reaching points where the story starts picking up. But I imagine his character ended up being somewhat important in the novels. "Burn, Butcher, Burn" wasn't bad.Ĭont.) I have no idea what his role will be in the following episodes or moving forward. I think I liked "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" better. And I'm sure people love his new song, as proven by the number of views it has on Youtube, opposed to the scores in this season's soundtrack. I know people love him considerably: I, for one, was neither happy nor mad that he's back. Jaskier's back, and I'm neutral towards his return. Am I missing something? Either that, or it was good ol' plot convenience.
She couldn't have broken free while Dermain didn't. Maybe it'll attack the boat in the next episode.Ĭont.) And I find it a little weird that Yennefer was dragged down then came back up. That can't be the first and only time it shows up. It was stupid because Yennefer doesn't have her magic at the moment, but I was expecting there to be a battle, and it gets killed. I'm not sure what the monster in the sewers' purpose was. I'm interested to see what part Dijkstra and the owl will play in the story. I don't know anything more than that, though. But I think those who've read them would probably consider it a huge spoiler to those who haven't. I'm not sure if there was a big reveal in the novels concerning it. And I thought his character and involvement in this episode was one of the good things about it, even though all of his scenes had a political aspect.Ĭont.) And that owl, too, was introduced. He seems somewhat intimidating so far, and I'm pretty sure that's a huge aspect of his character in the novels/games.

Maybe it's just because that sort of stuff isn't interesting to me, or it could be because of not being written compellingly enough for me to be interested in it.ĭijkstra was introduced. This episode also delved more into the political aspect of everything and set up more threads to weave into each other, which is probably an important part of the novels, but it doesn't seem to be landing right in this season so far. But it does seem like it'll become interesting soon, maybe even in the next episode. As much as I like Yennefer and also want to like her plotline, it hasn't delivered as much as the plotline in Kaer Morhen has. Once again, the best parts were in Kaer Morhen. Perhaps the first season was also like that and I didn't notice. It feels like another cheap fantasy show. And I think that's my problem with the season so far. Like, just follow through with the scene, stop cutting away after characters deliver like five lines. There's nothing I hate more in shows than cutting away from the scene just when something interesting is about to happen. Like, just the sight of Ciri running FORWARD when Geralt told her to run was so jarring, like, girl what the hell are you doing? ALSO the fact that she didn't run back to Kaer Morhen when attacked by the creature, but instead thought she could hide from it without knowing whether the creature can find her based on smell, heat senses etc. Also, fighting in dresses does not at all seem practical, that's not the girl power move they think it is. I know she's a kid and they're adults, but that's not at all the thick-skinned, bold, determined young woman they've written her to be.
So Ciri can crack jokes about Lambert being a Witcher with no brains, but he makes fun of her clothes and she practically runs away crying. Like the equivalent of a white person raising their fist at a black person. And his whole speech of, "What your people have suffered is awful blah, blah." Maybe it was the way he delivered it, but it just seemed so. His belting, "Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn, butcher BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN," made me wince. There's just something about his singing style. It's all I can think of when she's on-screen. Triss's red hair and dark eyebrows are very, VERY distracting. Disclaimer, I've never played the games or read the books, so my judgment is based on the show alone.